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2024-05-02 08:54:47 [时尚] 来源:enameled cast iron cookware set
Local students participate in the conservation project of ancient trees in Shantou,<strong>msds chlorothalonil 75 wp quotes</strong> Guangdong Province. Photo: Courtesy of Wang Dong

Local students participate in the conservation project of ancient trees in Shantou, Guangdong Province. Photo: Courtesy of Wang Dong

A volunteering event that aims at raising youngsters' awareness of ancient tree conservation has recently been launched in Shantou, South China's Guangdong Province.

The event brings together young people from both China and overseas, encouraging them to protect ancient trees in the city while also learning about the importance of environmental sustainability.

To date, Shantou boasts a total of 1,216 valuable ancient trees. The most notable one is a banyan tree that has continued to grow for more than 573 years, with its branches and leaves covering a total area of 10 acres. Locals often describe it as "a tree resembling a forest."

The event is highlighted by two agendas, the first of which involves more than 100 schools in the city jointly launching a tree conservation plan. The second agenda involves 100 qiaominto jointly launch an initiative for tree conservation.

Qiaomin, refers to local people who have long experience living abroad in countries like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. Shantou is known for boasting a large number of Chinese people who have such life experiences, as in the 1860s the city opened a commercial port that brought in lifestyles, cultural traditions and religions from overseas.

Huang Qiang, a cultural researcher in Shantou told the Global Times that the "tree" has long been praised by Chinese people overseas as a "symbol of their home and cultural roots."

"The conservation of valuable trees is also a means to keep fostering our local culture. It is the treasure we leave to our offspring," Huang told the Global Times.

"These ancient trees, with their roots and branches tangled together, remind me of my ancestors and my family stories," said Lin Weimin, the vice president of the Association des Chinois Residant en France (ACRF). The association is dedicated to connecting Chinese people in France together.

The event was jointly launched by organizations including the Education Bureau of Shantou, the Bureau of Natural Resource of Shantou and Shantou Media Convergence Group.


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